Monday, March 23, 2009

Eagles in Our Neighbourhood

I took this a couple of weeks ago, but I guess I forgot to post it. This mated pair of bald eagles is nesting in our neighbourhood and here they are sitting together in a tree on my street. I was about 5 houses from my front door when I took this shot.

Haven't seen them since, but I know they're around because every once in a while you can hear their calls.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Disneyland Trip

We just got back from a trip to Disneyland. One of the highlights for Emma was having her face painted with a fairy design. The girl who did this was amazing, she accomplished this in about 10 minutes, all the while chatting with Emma about what she was going to do that day and really pumping up the disney experience.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ross Bay Cemetary Bird

This is a detail from a really interesting headstone at Ross Bay. The workmanship on this sculpture is pretty impressive, it felt like the bird could take off at any second.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Sure Sign of Spring

Ah, Spring!
Probably my favourite time of year, everything's in bloom - the world looks refreshed and renewed. Even here in Victoria where we don't get much in the way of winter, the arrival of spring is heralded by millions (if you don't believe me check out the Victoria Flower Count) of flowers.
One of the earliest to bloom is snowdrops and a personal fave of mine.
I found these nestled among the tombstones at Ross Bay Cemetery yesterday and they made me feel like that time is just about here again.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ross Bay Cemetery Photo Shot

I saw this documentary called "Behind the Camera" about photographers and what they're thinking when they take photos. It's quite interesting and informative. One of the profiles was a photographer who shoots angels on headstones and he was going on about the workmanship of these angels, the decay, the damage, etc. and how interesting it was. So, I thought "That would be interesting to shoot", so I convinced my buddy Ken to go with me to Ross Bay Cemetery - no we didn't go at night. This is my favourite angel in that I took pics of - she's only about 10" tall.
I'll post some more pics from this shoot over the next few days, there was some interesting material...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Poor Sportsmanship

One of my pet peeves when refereeing the "beautiful game" is poor sportsmanship. On Friday night, I was assistant referee for two games. Unfortunately, the referee pulled a muscle in his calf and couldn't complete the 2nd game, so I took over the game.

The young men on both teams were such whiners and complainers, that they spent more time bitching and complaining about what I was doing than they did concentrating on their own play.

After the game (which ended as a 0-0 tie), the captain of one of the teams came up to me to ask me a question about the game. He made it clear that he had no intention of shaking my hand in a gentlemanly way. In fact, that team did not shake the hands of any of the officials in the game (with a couple of exceptions who did). I don't understand why people need to be such poor sports! It's not my fault they didn't win the game, it's my job to make sure that the rules are followed and that everyone "plays nice". News flash - No one is perfect, so I probably did make one or two mistakes in the game. But, I don't think there was anything that changed the course of the game. Grow up already!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Saanich Peninsula

Ken and I went out to do a photo shoot on the saanich peninsula, which ended up being a lot colder than we expected. There was fog, but it was strangely elusive. The photo shoot ended up being a bit of a bust, but I like this stream picture.